
Форум русскоязычной общины американского города Ванкувер


Русский Форт Ванкувер

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Это  временное лого нашей нонпрофитной организации AM-RU international.



The Mission of AM-RU International Association:

Since the number of Russian speaking people in Washington and Oregon are growing in population each year, and there are no established places within this community catering to the cultural and leisure needs in Russian traditions, and also shortage of interesting, well paid workplaces for Russian Speaking people, Am-Ru international association, the non profit organization, declares developing the project " Russian Fairytale Park " in the Vancouver Washington/Portland Oregon area.
This project will create a multifaceted Russian cultural center and park based upon the needs of the entire Russian family within the community


" Russian Fairytale Park " will establish a unique example of Russian culture within the USA. Its basic mission to is twofold. First, to strengthen the relationships and friendly attitudes between the USA and Russia by given United States citizens a deeper understanding of the Russian culture in an entertaining and educational way. Secondly, to create a multidimensional atmosphere for the entire family to enjoy the different aspects of the Russian culture, as families or individuals within the families, which will include involving the youth in the cultural civil community. Using a cultural heritage of Russian people " Russian Fairytale Park " will achieve the designated purposes. At realization of the given program and use of grants the center of Russian culture will adhere to the highest standards of a transparency and ethics. 


To acquaint the American citizens with the culture of Russia, its traditions, folklore, and literature.
To attract youth to the cultural aspects of society, by letting them use their creative abilities to enhance the park and participation within the park.
To bring tourists to states of Washington and Oregon from other states and different countries.
To strengthen families by means of the cultural actions focused on family.
To give meaningful workplaces and opportunities to Russian Speaking people, to American and Russian veterans (disabled)/ paticipants in armed conflicts.
To promote education and its institutes, scientific and research activity, allowing the USA and Russia to better understand each other and to work together as part of a community of the democratic prospering states.
To publish a Russian-speaking family magazine (in the future it will be published in both Russian and English) " Dalnie Dali " which would play an appreciable and constructive role in the life of Russian and Americans living in the USA.
To help new talents, (poets, writers, artists, inventors), by given them help or opportunities to demonstrate or exhibit their talents and contributions.
To acquaint people with each other within the Russian and American communities.
To establish public and private events to promote our goals, and bring together and build relationships within our community, which includes international relations.
To give to the community through charitable actions.



У нас новый лого? Здорово!



Я знаю. что  у одного из членов нашего небольшого, но дружного коллектива сегодня большие проблемы. Пережить  семейные неурядицы,  финансовые проблемы, проблемы бизнеса и проблемы здоровья  человек может  только в том случае, если он не одинок. Хочу сказать, что  я очень хочу помочь ему и на первых порах хочу поднять  его настроение.
Забудь про холодный дождик за окном, представь, что у тебя на душе лето. тебя согревают теплые лучи солнышка и твой любимый пошел  за букетом  цветов,  Вот сейчас он соберет их в охапку и, задыхаясь от пьянящего запаха, вместе с букетом упадет  на колени у твоих ног.  Ты положишь ему руки на плечи и все-все забудется, все-все изменится, все-все расцветет, как эти цветы